Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Fields have eyes and woods have ears." 13th Century Saying

Three children enter the woods in a small town outside of Dublin. Something happens that traumatizes Adam Ryan so severely that he blocks out the preceding events, his two friends never return.
Twenty years go by, Adam's family moved away and he attended boarding school and started using his middle name. He enters the police force and later, becomes a detective.
He's teamed up with another young officer, Det. Cassie Maddox and they are assigned to investigate a young girl's murder in Knocknaree, the town where Adam lived and where his two friends disappeared. He doesn't inform his superiors of his past because he doesn't want to be taken off the case. However, as the investigation continues, he begins having flashbacks of the incidents surrounding his childhood friend's disappearance.
The area where the young girl's body is found is at a archaeological site. Kevin Devlin, the father of the murdered girl, Katy, is chairman for a group that wants the government to change a highway planned to pass over that site. He had been receiving threatening calls from people because their houses could increase in value if the highway went past their homes. Were any of these people capable of murder?
A literary plot driven novel that gives the reader insight to the process of investigation and suspect identification. The story is unique in that as Adam investigates the case, he begins having flashbacks about his own case.
The characters are sympathetic and easy to root for. Cassie and Adam make an excellent team, both having their own strengths and insights to the people they are questioning.
The setting is also well described and picturesque. It would be easy to imagine this novel made into film.
A well done story that won the Edgar Award.


Jennifer | Mrs Q Book Addict said...

Thanks for inviting me to your blog.

I have purchased this book, and have yet to read it. It does sound very interesting. I loved the cover. Great review!

Athira said...

This is one of those books I hear about every time but never get to reading. Nice review.. thanks for the reminder!

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Currently Reading
Broken Promise