Sunday, September 1, 2013

Red sails in the sunset

"Red Herring" tells of three unrelated deaths in Vermont and Joe Gunther and his team working together to solve them.

First there is a businesswoman, Doreen Frenc, she is a surprise victim because she is liked by everyone. There is also a school administrator who is hung and a young man who apparently drinks too much and is forced off the road.

The connection that Joe and his team uncover is intelligent and realistic. It is one of those moments in literature where the reader gives an "ah, ha."

The book also contains good descriptions of  the Vermont landscape and the relationship between Joe and a lady friend.

Enjoyable and recommended.


Anonymous said...

Love the title. Hi Michael. Hope you're well.

Unknown said...

Came back from the Smilow Cancer Hosp. today and fighting hard with this lung cancer. It's a tough battle but I thank God every night that I have a wonderful wife and so many good friends.


Currently Reading

Currently Reading
Broken Promise