Sunday, August 16, 2009

This book describes the greatest rescue of all time. In May of 1940, 400,000 Allied troops were pinned against the French port of Dunkirk and Hitler's army was closing in. For the Allies, it seemed like they were doomed and escape impossible.
The story leads up to the rescue with hundreds of interviews of the participants.
Walter Lord, who interrupted his studies at Yale Law School after Pearl Harbor, lets the readers experience what is happening as if reading the conflict and episodes in the daily paper or in letters home.
However, with the excessive interviews, the reading did become laborious and it was difficult to maintain interest.

1 comment:

Jake Murdock said...

I enjoyed the way Lord would personalized his historical books with the accounts of survivors. His research was intense and even when you think you know all the history around an event, Lord educates you with more. This Dunkirk book, along with "Day of Infamy" and "A Time to Stand" are my favorites.

I heard that David McCullough is very fond of Walter Lord's work. And they had a close friendship.

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